Friday, February 25, 2011

Organizing Tip: Get Rid of 1 to 3!

If you bring one item into your home, get rid of one to three.  This is an important rule of thumb if you want to keep your home clutter free.  Many of us have a space in our home which is dedicated to mail, incoming papers, files, kids’ schools work etc.  These spaces usually begin small and neat, and then before long they double and sometimes triple until our belongings increase in number and if not controlled can multiply until they become an overwhelming infestation of CLUTTER CLUSTERS!  So I want to reiterate, if you bring one item into your home, get rid of one to three.  
* Please call me for help with any project great or small.
~~Your Clutter Buster~~

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What to do With the Items You're Sorting

When going through a specific area of clutter, I suggest that you make a decision about what to do with each item so the rampant clutter problem stops right now.  If you are not intentionally decisive on each item, the clutter will continue by showing up in another pile down the road. So stop the madness by asking yourself these questions and when you arrive at an answer put the item in the suggested location immediately.
1.      Is this item a valuable and useful tool (i.e. scissor, screw driver, cords) or household item (i.e. book, remote control, electronic, sports equipment)?  If the answer is yes, then go to number 2.  If the answer is no, then go to number 4.
2.      If this item is indeed a valuable tool or household item, then ask yourself if you will actually use it within the next 1-2 years. If the answer is yes, put it in its proper place, or if necessary create the most sensible home for it and label it if in a container.  If the answer is no and it is sentimental, then go to number 3. It may be sentimental.  If the answer is no and it is not sentimental then go to number 4.
3.      Does this item hold special meaning and have sentimental value to me such as a photo, greeting card, gift or heirloom?  If the answer is yes, put it in its proper place or if necessary create a “special things” box and put all your sentimental items in it, but sure to keep special papers, awards and photos in a separate container i.e., a folder, 3 ring binder, scrap book, photo album/box and label it. If the answer is no, then go to number 4.
4.      Could someone else you this item? If the answer is yes, then say goodbye to it and donate it or sell it so it will benefit another. It’s ok really, someone will love it. If the answer is no, then it must be broken, stained, stale, outdated, a kids meal toy or just plain ugly, so toss it!
Well done, way to take control over that clutter; you are stepping out of clutter, confusion and chaos and are becoming an intentionally decisive organizer!
Please call me for further help on your most challenging spaces.
~~Your Clutter Buster~~

Monday, February 21, 2011

How Do I Sort This Mess Out?

Whether you have rampant clutter throughout your home or just in one area, the best thing to do is to choose one specific area, then simply DIVIDE AND CONQUOR. Be sure to be prepared before you begin by getting several open bins/boxes/baking pans that you can use temporarily just for sorting items. You will also need 2 trash bags, one for trash the other for donating. Utilize the bins just to sort all your things into like piles. For example you may find these types of items in your pile: papers to file, bathroom items, kid’s toys, garage tools, laundry room items, junk drawer items, photos… After you begin the process of sorting and grouping you may want to label the bin/box/baking pan temporarily with a sticky note so it is quick and easy to see what’s in it while sorting.
Once the entire area is all sorted into like groups, then go through each bin one at a time and put them where they belong in your house. Jot down on a shopping list anything you may need to keep your items organized. If you need something to put your photos in, then jot down photo box or photo album.  If you need a junk drawer organizer, then measure the drawer and write down the measurements on your shopping list. If you need a tool box, write it down. If you need a place for all your papers, write down portable file box, file cabinet or basic 2 pocket folders.
The goal is for everything in your house to have its own home just as you do and then take it a few steps further by organizing and labeling it. Just as you are in a specific home, your things need to be in an organized specific home as well: your books belong on a book shelf or in a basket; you paperclips in a small container, you get the idea. Organizing is simple, just break things down into like groups and put them into an organized home and label it!  

~~Your Clutter Buster~~

*Check out tomorrows blog:  What to do with the items you're sorting.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

"I'm Gonna Sort You Out!"

Tell that pile of clutter, "I'm gonna sort you out!" Then schedule a day to go through your pile. Be sure to be prepared with the appropriate solutions to the clutter with bins, folders, containers, labels and a marker to put the remainder of your things into. Also, grab 2 bags: one for trash and one for donations. Lastly, get a box or open bin to put things that belong in other parts of the house. Now sort it out into like piles, once it is all sorted out, put the things you really want into its new home and label it. Well done, you sorted it all out!  If you want help contact me.

~~Your Clutter Buster~~

*Check out tommorows blog on sorting tips.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Declutter Technique

When using the O.H.I.O. rule, (Only Handle It Once) continually remind yourself when you pick up an item, make an immediate decision about where it belongs.
1.       If it holds value to you, then put it in its proper place.
2.       If it doesn’t have value to you, yet someone else could use it, then put it in a box to sell or a box to donate.
3.       If it is damaged put it in the trash.

~~Your Clutter Buster~~

* Be sure to check out tomorrows Organizing Tip on Sorting

Monday, February 14, 2011

Organize your Recipes

Do you have recipes papers that seem to procreate? Are you tired of sifting through these pile just to find the one recipe that you need? If so, then I have a solution for you! Imagine all your recipes in one highly organized book and finding your next recipe in a snap! It will take some time, but you can do it in 10 easy steps! The following is a list of items you will need to make a Recipe Binder:

1. Items Needed:
  • 1 - Three -Ring Wide 3" View Binder (high quality) 11 -5/8- H x 11- 1/4-W
  • 3 Ring Hole Puncher
  • 1 Box of Three -Ring Standard Sheet Protectors (50-100)
  • 2-4 Packages - Three Ring Index Dividers: 5 Tab with Pockets (Width 9 3/4" including tab) *(Bring your ruler. Most Avery's divders are too small)
  • Ruler
  • Glue Stick
  • Scissor
  • Copy paper ( 8 1/2 x 11)
  • Paper clips
2. Once you have gathered the above items, then organize your recipes into categories for example:
  • Main Dish
  • Mexican, Italian, Oriental... (if you have a lot of any of these categories)
  • Seafood
  • Soup
  • Sandwich
  • Side Dish / Vegetables Dish
  • Salad
  • Appetizer
  • Dip
  • Sauce
  • Breakfast
  • Bread
  • Dessert
3. After you have sorted and organized the recipes into categories, paper clip the categories together until the are put in the binder.
4. Label the Index Dividers according to each category, be sure they are in your order of preference before you label them. Then put the labeled index dividers in the binder.
5. Put all your recipes that are already on a single sheet of paper in a sheet protector and put them in the binder one category at a time.
6. All recipes that are on cards or smaller papers and have print only on one side, you can glue to a single piece of copy paper or you can re-type them up. Then put them in the sheet protector and then in the binder.
7. The recipes that are written on both sides of the card, you will need to re-type over so that the recipe is completely on one side of the paper. Then glue it to a copy paper if it is small or just put in sheet protector and place in binder.
8. Type and print a title page for binder: "Mom's Recipe Book"
9. Place extra sheet protectors in the back of the binder for later use.
10. To maintain be sure to put all new recipes in a sheet protector and place in your new binder under its proper category.

~~Your Clutter Buster~~

Friday, February 11, 2011

Rule to Minimize Clutter

Here is a quick rule of thumb to minimize clutter. Remember the O.H.I.O. rule, Only Handle it Once. If you are going through papers or anything that becomes clutter, remember if you pick it up then put it in its place immediately and the pile will never grow.

~~Your Clutter Buster~~

Thursday, February 10, 2011

When Mom is Out of Commission: Family Contribution List

It may seem like everything is flowing well, everything is in its place, dishes are done, laundry is done, house is clean until the day that MOM IS OUT OF COMMISSION. It is times like these when Mom or the main caretaker of the home is sick, that even the most organized of them all realize there there's abreak in my system when suddenly the hampers are over flowing and you have to dig through a sink full of dirty dishes to find a pan… ugggh! So what do you do when you find holes in your cheese and it isn’t Swiss?
It’s time to enlist the troops and create a back-up plan! For the families who operate with some sort of a chore list for all in the home, congratulations well done! For those who don’t, I will give you an idea of how to implement one with a backup plan for when Mom is sick.
1. Get a 3 ring binder and a hole-puncher and sheet protectors.
2. Get a large pad of paper and a pencil. Label one page with each person in the households name: Dad, Mom, children, teens, grandparents, roommates… so that everyone has a separate sheet of paper.
3. Call a family meeting and give them an analogy that they can relate to. For example, tell them that this household is like a plane and this plane can’t fly without a pilot, co-pilot and a crew. Stress that each member of this family is a vital part of the team and the household can’t run without each team member and when one team member is down the others must pick up the slack. Let them talk about what they think it takes to run the house and then ask them which apart of this they would like to contribute. Take notes on each ones page or ask them to write down on their own page.
4. Offer incentives to getting their contributions done without being asked or without complaining, for example allowance or pizza night. Be sure the incentive plan is more rewarding than not, this will encourage follow-through. Vote on the reward system and after everyone has agreed on it, type it up with specifics: Jacob will get $20.00 per week for all his completed contributions, minus $3.00 per day that the contributions are not done, or done with complaining.
5. If you choose an allowance, discuss what their allowance should be used for: tithing, savings, entertainment with friends, clothes…
6. Type up a title page, “Contributions to the “Your last name” House.”
7. After you have each compiled a “List of Contributions” for each member of the household, type it up and print two copies, one for the binder and one to post on a bulletin board or a central location or for all to see. Here is an example of a list for a teenager:
Jacob's Contributions:
Daily Morning/Before School:
• Take out trash
• Make your bed
Daily Afternoon/After school:
• Do homework
• Empty dishwasher
• Pick up after yourself
• Help with yard work
• Clean your room: dust, vacuum
• Sweep pool daily
When Mom is out of Commission or Working:
• Do all your own laundry
• Clean the kitchen after dinner

~~Your Clutter Buster~~

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Procrastination Leaves a lot to be Attained

Here it is my first blog, thank you to my neighbor Deb who helped me in creating a blog page! It is truly exciting after many years of “Clutter Be Gone!” to finally be on the WEB! Needless to say I’m not the most computer savvy of them all, but here I am! Although I am one of many “Clutter Buster’s” in this world; I do empathize with any of you who have not worn that hat well. I understand that “thing” that humans do well… PROCRASTINATION. Encarta dictionary defines Procrastination: “To postpone doing something, especially as a regular practice.” So we should ask ourselves “Why?” we postpone doing something or “Why?” we avoid doing “it” regularly. Is it because it’s not enjoyable? That may be true to an extent, but there are many things that I do regularly that I don’t particularly enjoy, for instance, brushing my teeth, paying bills, putting gas in my SUV.

So what’s the difference? Why do we do those things that we view as important if they are not enjoyable? I brush my teeth because I like the feeling of clean teeth and do not want my teeth drilled on. So I brush my teeth to avoid the leftover particles of food from mixing with the bacteria in my mouth, because I know that turns into decay! Consequently, I perceive the result of not brushing my teeth so I am very motivated to brush. So then it is safe to say that we do the things that we do not enjoy due to the perceived result. This motivating factor minimizes the level of procrastination in our lives. So if we are procrastinating doing something, then it may be because: we either may not see the result or we could be just at an utter loss. In which case, we need to ask for help from others who have expertise.

Deb saw a website where there was none; I see order where there is chaos. If you can perceive it you can attain it. If you can’t perceive it you may need help from others. I am here to offer practical solutions to a vast array of problems that occur with clutter and teach you how to maintain.

~~Your Clutter Buster~~

*Check out tomorrow’s blog, “When Mom is out of Commission.”